How to Be a Successful Software Developer: The Importance of Soft Skills

İlyas Özkurt
Beyn Technology
Published in
8 min readAug 16, 2022


Software development is a field that is constantly evolving. As new technologies are developed, the skills required to be a successful software developer also change.

How do you become a successful software developer? When you’re just starting, the answer to that question might seem obvious: learn to code, get some experience under your belt, and finally start looking for the perfect job at one of the top companies. But after getting out into the real world and working on actual projects, you’ll find that being successful as a software developer isn’t just about knowing how to write code; it’s about understanding soft skills as well — things like time management, accountability, communication, prioritization, creativity, collaboration, and leadership — and using them effectively on the job every day.

While there is always a need for developers with strong technical skills, the importance of soft skills is often underestimated. But, the soft skills will help you stand out from the crowd and advance your career.

Communicate Effectively

As a software developer, you must have solid and soft skills to communicate effectively with your team, project sponsors, and stakeholders. When you’re able to communicate effectively, it shows that you’re able to understand complex problems and explain them in a way that others can understand. Additionally, effective communication will help build trust and respect with those you work with. It also shows that you know the business side and how the decisions made in one department affect another.

When it comes to working remotely, this is even more crucial as meetings are often handled via email or chat, where nuances may be lost if not communicated properly.

Communication is the critical component of any project and is often one of the most overlooked skills among developers. Here are some tips for communicating better with your team:

  1. Make sure everyone understands each other clearly, quickly, and accurately.
  2. Don’t use jargon or acronyms unless everyone knows what they mean.
  3. Use visuals where possible (slides, diagrams, etc.)
  4. Avoid sending text messages all the time if you work remotely. Instead, use platforms like Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc., to conduct direct online conversations with your teammates or stakeholders.

Define Your Priorities

As a software developer, it’s crucial to prioritize your time and energy. It would be best if you could efficiently get the most important things done first. However, being efficient isn’t enough. It would be best if you also were effective. That means you must know how to prioritize your tasks to get the most important things done. That might mean saying no to some things or working on something even when you don’t feel like it. But if you want to be successful, you must learn how to prioritize.

This is why it is essential to know how to manage time effectively to work as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Time management skills are essential for anyone who works in the tech industry. If you are an engineer or coder, your job is to write code and ensure it works properly. This means that you need to be able to program efficiently and meet deadlines. If you work as a project manager or team lead, your job is to coordinate all the different groups within your company and ensure that everyone works together towards one goal.

Being able to say no when necessary can help you save yourself from having too much on your plate at once and becoming overwhelmed by your workload. You may sometimes feel like saying yes will help build good relationships with people in your office or even get yourself further ahead professionally. Still, if this comes at the expense of spending time with friends or family or saving it for your hobbies, it isn’t worth it!

Collaborate with Your Coworkers

​​While there are many benefits to working remotely, there are also challenges that come with it. One of the biggest challenges is that you don’t get to see your coworkers every day, which can make it tougher to collaborate.

As a developer, you have a unique perspective on the world and what it takes to build great software products. You know how hard it is to keep up with the latest trends in technology and how easy it is to fall behind.

One of the best ways to stay on top of your game is to collaborate with other developers. Here are some reasons why:

Developers who work together often produce better results than those working alone. When you work in a team, you can share knowledge and experience, which helps everyone grow professionally.

Collaboration allows developers to learn from each other’s mistakes and successes. Developers who’ve worked together on multiple projects are more likely to learn from each other’s past mistakes and successes than those who haven’t worked together before because they already have some familiarity with each other’s strengths and weaknesses as developers.

Collaboration helps build connections between people, which allows them to bond over shared interests such as programming languages and technologies, tools, or even just an interest in new technologies like Laravel, ReactJS, or AngularJS 2 (or whatever else might be hot at the time).

Make Time for Personal Development and Self-learning

Self-learning is the most important skill a software developer can have.

The technology landscape is changing so fast that it’s impossible to keep up with all the new frameworks, languages, and tools. Even if you’re able to keep up with these changes, the fact is that your skills are going to become obsolete eventually.

So how do you stay relevant as a software developer? You learn new things. And by learning, I mean self-learning.

The good news is that there are many ways for developers to learn new skills without leaving their current jobs. Here are some ideas:

  • Take online courses for self-paced instruction.
  • Attend user groups and meetups
  • Read books and articles.
  • Participate in open source projects
  • Video (Youtube) content from industry experts,
  • Access to webinars and other interactive features

It’s about whether you find an online training program to help you keep pace with your studies while working full-time at home or on the road.

Accountability at Work

​​Developers are responsible for the quality of their code. It’s our job to ensure we write easy-to-read, maintainable, and reusable code.

To be a good developer, you must be willing to take responsibility for your actions and their consequences on others. If you write destructive code or don’t document it well enough, it’s your fault if someone else has to come in and fix it later. In addition, it will be harder for others to work with you if you don't work well with others.

A good developer is also accountable for fixing problems caused by them or their team members. This includes software bugs and mistakes in communicating with each other or our users (e.g., broken links).

Stay Organized and Meet Deadlines

Developers are the ones who create the software that drives businesses and organizations. They are responsible for building websites, mobile apps, and other applications that people use every day. To be successful in this domain, developers need to be able to meet deadlines and get things done on time.

There are several ways to stay organized and meet deadlines. You can use a plan, an online calendar, or a notebook; using tech is always a good idea for going back to check after a while. I prefer using a notebook or Gitbook because it’s the least distracting.

Organizing your work is essential for three reasons: first, it helps you to be productive; second, it allows you to avoid mistakes and delays; and lastly, especially taking notes during the meeting contributes to business processes.

If you have a deadline, take notes about what needs to be done and when. Don’t act before making sure it is the way you understand. If there is any doubt, ask for clarification and make sure that the information is written down. This way, all details are precise and can be referred back to when needed.

Make sure your workspace is clean and organized. Developers spend a lot of time in front of their computers, so keeping them clean and tidy is essential to avoid distracting them while working on a substantial project.

I think it is important to emphasize how taking notes contribute to the business processes' continuity. The letters from one meeting usually provide a good starting point for the next meeting. We must have time to review them before the next meeting to prepare ourselves better and focus on what needs to be done.

The notes are also a good reference document for later meetings when people absent at earlier meetings start attending them.

Improve Your Language Skills

This section of the article is about those who have difficulty in verbal communication.

English is the language of business. It’s the language of software development. It’s a language that will open doors for you and make your life easier.

So why don’t more developers speak English? If you want to work with other developers or companies outside your own country, you need to speak their language — or at least understand it. If you want to communicate with customers who aren’t in your own country, you must learn English again. And if you're going to work anywhere outside of your land, then again: English!

Remain Professional in Any Situation

You’re often called upon as a developer to work with others on projects. You might be working with a team of other developers, or you might be working with people who don’t know anything about technology. Regardless, staying professional and treating your coworkers with respect is essential.

Here are some tips to help you stay professional in any situation:

  1. Be yourself
  2. Be kind and respectful to everyone.
  3. Embrace diversity
  4. Don’t be too proud or arrogant.
  5. Don’t focus on money or material things.
  6. Don’t be afraid to fail or make mistakes — it’s part of being human!


Successful software developers require a mix of hard and soft skills. Hard skills are the technical abilities needed to do the job, while soft skills are the personal attributes that help you work well with others. While having a solid foundation in hard skills is important, it’s also essential to prioritize and manage your time effectively.

We at Beyn Teknoloji conduct technical interviews with the candidates during our hiring processes and consider developers’ soft skills. This is because we aim to hire only those who are not only technically proficient but also possess specific soft skills that can help them adapt to their work environment quickly.

The soft skills of a developer are critical because they give us a glimpse into how they will behave in a real-life situation. By developing your hard and soft skills, you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful software developer.

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